
Negative thoughts about yourself: the technique of turning 180 degrees

“I am a loser”, “I never have a normal relationship”, “I will lose again”. Even confident people no, no, and they catch themselves on such thoughts. How to quickly and effectively challenge your own ideas about yourself? Psychotherapist Robert Lihs offers a simple but effective tool.

Which will help to cope with painful emotions and achieve goals? And investigate personal thinking schemes? A

new monograph by a psychotherapist, head of the American Cognitive therapy of Robert Likh, teaches all this to all this. The book “Techniques of cognitive psychotherapy” is intended for psychologists and students of psychological universities and their practical work with clients, but non-specialists can also use something. For example, the technique, which the author called “180 degrees U -turn – confirmation of negativity”, is presented in the publication as a homework for a client.

It is extremely difficult for us to admit our own imperfection, we concentrate, “hang” on our own mistakes, making large -scale conclusions about ourselves from them. But each of us definitely has disadvantages.

“We all have behavior or qualities that we consider as negative. Such is human nature. There is not a single ideal person among our friends, so striving for perfection is simply unrealistic, ”the psychotherapist precedes his task. – Let’s figure out why you criticize yourself, what you don’t like in yourself. Think about negative features. And then imagine what would happen if you perceived them as what you have the right. You could relate to this as a part of yourself – an imperfect person, whose life is accompanied by ups and falls ”.


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