
Psychologies represents: a lecture by Rimma Maximova “Daughter-Mother, Game or Life”

Psychologies represent: September 15 at 19.00 in the cultural center of ZIL Rimma Maksimov, an emotional-focused therapist, a systemic family therapist, a teacher of family psychology, will tell you how to establish relations between a mother and daughter, looking at it from both sides.

Relations with the mother are different from any other, close and not very close, relationships in our life. Ideally, this is complete acceptance, understanding, support, care, respect. But in life it happens in different ways. Here are some stories that you can hear in the therapist’s office: “My mother does not love me”, “I always have to my mother”, “I have no right to be happier than my mother”, “I am insufficient to be proud of me”, “II hate my mother “,” My mother is a manipulator “and others.

And if we are on the other side? “My daughter does not call me for months”, “My daughter does not talk to me”, “My daughter does not appreciate what I am doing for her,” and you can continue to continue the list of those that are very painful for my mother. After all, you were still waiting for her birth, you invested so much in her, refused a lot for her, and she … Yesterday she was small and allowed herself to hug, and today he speaks with me?

How to build relations with an adult daughter, how are relations with parents, with a mother in particular, on our adult life and on our relations with my own children, what messages and family scenarios I inherited from my mother, can I be angry and not lovemy mother and, if I do not like my relationship with my mother or adult daughter, can I do something to change them, we can discuss these topics at our meeting.

Participants who ask the most interesting questions to the lecturer will receive memorable prizes from Psychologies.


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